Tag Archives: adopted


The best representation of true friendship!
(Please click on the link below to see the 2 animals)

This dog, Adolfo, was adopted by my sister who wanted to help me after I rescued his mother Mapeta who had been abandoned in my neighborhood!

The cat, Esperacinha is one of the 2 survivors from a litter of 4 kittens thrown in the garbage container in my village! It was a cold winter night when I discovered the horror scene in front of my local Church…they were only about 2 weeks old and totally dependent on their mother – I took up that role and saved only 2 of them! The poor little animals had been taken from the garbage by a passer-by who heard their pleas for help; she left them in a cardboard box on the ground, someone else came along and left them in front of the Church…many people had seen them there, but they all thought that the kitties were waiting for their mother who was probably inside the Church praying for a wealthier lifestyle!

This is how many animals are treated in my hometown; most people don’t give a damn!


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