Monthly Archives: March 2014


The best representation of true friendship!
(Please click on the link below to see the 2 animals)

This dog, Adolfo, was adopted by my sister who wanted to help me after I rescued his mother Mapeta who had been abandoned in my neighborhood!

The cat, Esperacinha is one of the 2 survivors from a litter of 4 kittens thrown in the garbage container in my village! It was a cold winter night when I discovered the horror scene in front of my local Church…they were only about 2 weeks old and totally dependent on their mother – I took up that role and saved only 2 of them! The poor little animals had been taken from the garbage by a passer-by who heard their pleas for help; she left them in a cardboard box on the ground, someone else came along and left them in front of the Church…many people had seen them there, but they all thought that the kitties were waiting for their mother who was probably inside the Church praying for a wealthier lifestyle!

This is how many animals are treated in my hometown; most people don’t give a damn!


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For her it was “like” at first sight! Even though she’d been hoping to meet a tall blond man after her total “encrushment” for GD, who only wanted to “do” her, Camenta immediately liked this short balding, bearded man! He was the tour guide at the local historical event; they were visiting the winery and the fumes must have intoxicated her. He was smart, astute, charismatic and obviously well respected by everyone who knew him…what an impressive little man!

The following week  as Camenta walked home from work, feeling quite tired, Mr. Charisma passed by and offered her a lift which she gladly accepted; they had a very polite exchange and once again he proved to be a total gentleman…as the conversation ended he mentioned that he was free!

Camenta found out that Mr. Charisma was responsible for the literary soirees and started attending them, that night he gave her a lift home, and lift after lift Camenta’s mind drifted into “love” mode…”he really is a nice person”, she thought dreamingly!

During the weekends Camenta would purposely go to the coffee shop where she knew he went in the morning to buy his newspaper…her heart pounded so hard that it almost stopped as she detected his slightly hyper gait from a distance. Then she’d focus nervously on the newspaper till he came over to say hello!

After many lifts to different events with Mr. Charisma, he brought her home one Saturday evening…during the night she awoke to open the door and there he was telling her how much he’d missed her; they hugged fervently and Camenta invited him to lie down on her bed where the embracing  continued, and she could feel the softness of his beard again. Camenta couldn’t believe that she was finally in his arms and wondered if she was dreaming, but reality hit when she saw his silky greenish jacket on the chair! After a nightlong cuddle, Camenta woke up alone, but a feeling of total fulfilment and bliss invaded her soul…one of the happiest days of her life!

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#WorkExploitation; do you think it is?

The middle aged woman with previous experience in the health and linguistic fields was unable to find work in Vancouver. After two and a half months of constant searching she was offered a trade-off deal where she’d care for an elderly person during weekends (Saturday & Sunday) in exchange for room and board. Later food was added because the weekday worker wanted to have holidays off & expected the weekend person to cover those days for her.

At first the elderly patient was abusive and wanted the weekend person to be constantly at her service, but after a couple of weeks the W/E woman made it clear that she could give a helping hand during the week, if needed, but her obligation was  only for the weekends; things got better!

The weekend worker feels ok with this arrangement, but some of her friends tell her that she’s being totally exploited! What do you think?

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I was cute and young, but was suddenly struck by diarrhea…my owners did nothing to help me and as the days went by my rectum started to protrude outward! The diarrhea persisted so one day I was simply thrown out and left on my own dying…

My rescuer was going home by bike one winter day when she suddenly spotted me sitting on the old grey wall of the river’s margin…she approached and noticed the redness against my grey fur; she thought I had been struck by a car. Upon closer inspection she noticed my rectum hanging out, I also smelled horrible and was dirty with diarrhoea…she fumbled in her bag and took out some plastic bags…without ANY resistance on my part I was triple bagged and kept as immobile as possible while my rescuer walked her bilke back to her modest home.

She was angry that someone had let me get to this point and simply abandoned me! How can people be so cruel she asked herself over and over again.

Once at home she soaked me in warm medicinal water and had to put a cover on the bin as I was horrified and wanted to jump out…my body oozed reddish stuff, some sort of powder…the stench persisted! She was unemployed and couldn’t pay a vet, so she tried to treat me at home.

Every day I was submitted to these treatments, at least once…after the soak I was wrapped up in a towel, plastic bagged and given some human love…

Later I’d go into a covered bin so I could rest & recover…as the nice days came along I was allowed outside, but my rescuer was worried about me ripping my rectum as I was becoming too adventurous, the flies were also becoming a pest…I had to stay inside a big cage with fine netting so the flies wouldn’t pester me…I meowed wildly in protest! My rectum seemed less swollen but insisted on staying outside my body…

One day, after seeking help in many animal forums, my rescuer and her family got together and took me to the vet…he tried to fix me up without operating…all was beautiful, but 2 weeks later everything was back out again! Even though it didn’t bother me my rescuer was in emotional agony…all that money and the problem unresolved.

Within a week we had to go back to the vet and he operated…I stayed almost 2 weeks at the clinic and made it…the family had already spent 1000 dollars on me, but I made it! I’ve never been super healthy, but I became a fairly large beautiful cat…I was given boiled fish instead of kibble – loved it too!

My right eye has always been diseased, no treatment worked…I also have nasal issues and produce tons of snot…I miss my rescuer, but she’ll be here soon!

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The studious creature…

It was an early spring morning and the lady with the green skirt decided to get up and start working on her never-ending chemical translation. After having voided, washed her face and pearly smile, the lady with the green skirt returned to the computer to start working. She had been up till late the previous night and left all the dictionaries open on the worktable.

As she pulled back the blue chair, loaded with clothes which she hadn’t bothered to put away, she spotted a huge brown object on top of the dictionary. Upon close inspection (the lady with the green skirt was very nearsighted), the poor woman let out a major scream of terror – her cat Panda jumped up from the cosy little corner where she had been sleeping.

The horrible looking, studious brown creature was staring closely at the woman, while taking purposeful, slow backward steps. Suddenly the lady mumbled to herself, “How dare this creepy creature invade my territory!” At the same time the studious being on the dictionary, thought, “Why on earth is she up so early this morning? I have the right to an education and she’s not supposed to catch me in the act! I’ll have to sting the old bat!”

The woman with the green skirt gathered all of her courage, slipped her fingers under the right side of the book, and SLAM!! The book was closed shut, but on its upper aspect she could see a dark gap in between the pages…to be continued

Ten years later that dictionary remains untouched…what could be trapped inside the book of knowledge?

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A cat’s confessions…



As I sat there comfortably rolled up on our futon I heard the door open and started getting ready for you to caress me; soon I felt a hand run through my spine…yum, was that ever nice…I looked up to thank you with a smile, but holy terror it was an intruder…yaicks!! I hissed and hissed to make her stop, and ran off to our bedroom to hide!

While I hid in our bed I could hear her raiding your stuff mom; first it was the table, then off to the fridge…I swear, she just wouldn`t stop! I could hear her mutter to herself, “oh what a delicious salad, this sandwich is heavenly…it just went on and on!”

After several hours I had to go for a pee; I think she saw me, so I snuck back into our little nest mom. The biggest horror of the evening was when she suddenly barged into the room, trapped me under the blankets and stabbed me with something; I just wanted to bite her! I hissed and hissed till she finally went back to her eating rampage…

In the morning she attacked me again; my hissing didn`t seem to be enough to discourage her, but I kept on trying anyway! Even though she was mean to me, she filled my water bowl with fresh water, my plate with those delicious kernels you always give me and even added Metamucil – I was impressed! After a while she left and it felt like home again…

At night, while I was picturing myself eating those cute little sparrows that invade our balcony all the time, there she was again, but this time I knew better and hid under the couch before she could see me…low and behold, within seconds her scruffy hand was pulling my cosy leopard nest from underneath the futon – help!!!

Once more I was attacked by that mortal…how could I teach her once and for all that she had no business being here? I couldn`t come up with a solution, so I hid again!

During the night I felt kind of lonely and decided to jump onto our bed…the smell was different; oh no, it`s her again! This made me angry so I placed my butt against her head, but she had the nerve to get up and close the bedroom door after I ran off!

Same story, different day! By the evening I started to realize that I actually like this person…she gently caressed my back all the way from the nape of the neck to my tail junction, sending shivers up my spine; you never did that to me mom!! It felt wonderful, it was so amazing that I actually rubbed myself on her thigh so she wouldn`t stop…

We became friends and I want her here; she treats me like royalty and I deserve it! Can you imagine! she even took photographs of me; when was the last time you did that mom?

Mom, you’ll never believe this! She cleaned my ear canals; no, there were no Q-tips, just her delicate fingers and some toilet paper…she’s my hero!



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Really! #LifeIsABitch!

Really! #LifeIsABitch!

Life really can be a bitch!
One day Mapeta passed over to the chicken yard and created a feathery pile; she secretly knew that the owner of the chickens didn’t like killing them, so Mapeta took it upon herself to help with the morbid task…

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March 7, 2014 · 1:13 am

O Outono do amor

Este corpo que te seduziu

Já não é o que era…

sua sensualidade diminuiu,

terminou a primavera!

Mas a alma que nele mora

possui paixão de criança

sabes bem quanto te adora

quem nunca perdeu a esperança.

Quem ama realmente

Jamais deixará de amar…

esteja noutro continente

ou sob  o mesmo luar

acredito convictamente

que pra mim  vais voltar!

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As asas da compaixão…

Estendeste-me as asas da compaixão,

Que para mim foram o caminho da ilusão

Colei-me às tuas penas brancas e suaves

Segui-te como fazem todas as aves…

Amei-te, idolatrei-te, sempre em vão

Pois nunca me entregaste o teu coração!

Partilhei contigo o meu âmago, as chaves,

Foste na minha estrutura, as entraves!

Ficou a minha alma pesarosa de plantão

Sempre na esperança de segurar tua mão

Vivo sonhando nas tuas penas brancas e suaves,

Amando-te, como fazem todas as aves!

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The online dating saga…a caprine approach!


Hello! I´m too old, but decided to say hello anyway…haven´t finished reading your book yet…

What are you up to?

Sent to Broad92% Match



Never too old to be loved my dear. Thanks for saying hello. My “book” may never get finished 🙂 I don’t know how to type so I have my billy goat do it for me. I am barely awake. I work a gravedigger shift last night. So tired. Hope I’m making some sense. What you doing? J??

Message from Broad92% Match



I meant that I´m too old for your criteria…

And who is your billy goat? You actually have someone who is willing to put all this effort into your profile? Kind billy goat you´ve got there. go to sleep now.

I´m trying to finish a translation task…

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I call my goat Gruff 🙂 thx

Message from Broad92% Match



PS: One of my nicknames is Little goat…

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cute… I can only imagine why:) Do you eat everything in sight? ttyl J

Message from Broad92% Match


SHE…Well, it all started 17 years ago when my 10 year old niece said that I looked like my goat when I was chewing food (same mandibular movements, I guess) Mathilda…I took it as a compliment and have accepted my new nickname…

Your goat?????

Sent to Broad92% Match



I ride him uptown to cruise Granville for chicks. Not having much luck though. He’s makes a poor limo cause he’s a one seater so I would wind up walking if I get any takers. My feet drag. Always got muddy feet. Good on gas. A little too much maybe. Eats everything. Got lot lots of poop. Goes anywhere. From the mountain tops to the roof tops. Like a 4 hoof drive. He always smiling and butting into traffic. No one argues. So whenever we are idling “chilling” he does my typing after the wisdom of words. Thanks for asking. He will be flattered. J??

Message from Broad92% Match



He messed up. The 2nd last sentence should have read “after DISCUSSING” the wisdom of words. He doesn’t like discussing things too much. He says he gets dissed and cussed enough already. 🙂

Message from Broad92% Match



You lost me…do you have a personal secretary?

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I wish I did. No personal secretary. Only a fictional billy goat that handles everything. I thought you would read between the lines. It’s all good. J??

Message from Broad92% Match



Well, I got lost because you said you couldn’t type…so I thought that some friend of yours was helping you out! You’re a fiction writer, I gather…

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Apparently. Actually I am just a guy who says what’s on my mind. I do not write for a living. I can’t type. I plunk a finger down where I see the letter I want. That’s all hun. What is your truth?

Message from Broad92% Match



I’m a 2-3 finger typist who struggles for a living between 3 distinct destinations… came here, where my son is studying…

Maybe our goats should meet…I often hang out at Starbucks on Boundary & Canada Way – afternoons usually.

Have a good weekend,


Sent to Broad92% Match



I dunno. . . You know what they say about goats with multiple horns and . . . Goats can be kinda horny and pushy you know. Not that I would mind. Just wouldn’t want to knock over any tables where you like to go:) Is your name Maria? May I call you that until you tell me for sure? Today is my last day off work “the weekend”. I’d like to spend it in bed but I have laundry shopping cleaning and feeding my goat all to do. Since you have been so willing to play and be candid with me I am also willing to work “or play” in a time with you into my day. I am back to work tonight and thus you would have to come and roust me and Gruff from our slumber tomorrow if you want our goats to meet:) I will trust you with my number. I will respect your trust also. J?? 778-???-???? Don’t be afraid. It;s a bit of a long shot anyway. I am not usually willing to travel far like to Burnaby much less Portugal. But for a taste of honey Gruff will go up a mountain and down a valley:) J??

Message from Broad92% Match



Hello J??,

Stubborn old goats!

This here goat doesn’t usually mind going beyond her pasture limitations, but the lousy weather keeps her almost barn bound…

So, if ever Gruff is feeling adventurous, both goats can venture out into the fields of Central park or the like…on a nice day, of course!

Enjoy your tasks!


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Ha.. ok bring a blanket

Message from Broad92% Match



i’ll bring some hay

Message from Broad92% Match




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Ha . Pretty good goat laugh:) So are you serious about meeting me in the park or where-ever. What if I’m a bad guy? You should not meet strangers in the park my dear. I think you are not serious. I’m not serious. Well… what I mean is that I take it moment by moment. I am not a desperate guy by any means but it’s been a looong time and I am soooo …. well you know. Like my billy goat:) meh eh eh so horny eh eh. I am perfectly safe to be around but I have a strong desire to do the wild goat thing:) meh eh eh. There is every possibility that it could be a once off thing. You don’t even trust me with your name so I doubt very much that you want to lay naked with an old goat like meh eh eh. And no I don’t smell. I am just asking you to get real. You know what I have said on my post and every piece of it is true and real for me. But I’m not going to say that I will happlily accept any degree of intimacy and as a normal guy I really want the full meal deal you know. I have trusted you with my number and my truth. You need to ask yourself if you are really ready to meet up and exactly how far are you willing to go. I am not a fool my dear. I know how women can be. Not that it is wrong to entice men with the possibility but I will simply give it up if I think that it means a long series of hurtles to clear. As far as the question of will it lead to a genuine relationship? Well I won’t promise anything but I am a sincere man and care about my integrity. This is what this is all about. Serious. Just wanting you to be clear. As a woman you might have a completely different agenda. I am saying all this also because if it’s possible to get close enough to touch then I want it to be with someone who likes me and enjoys my style. What’s your first name? Mine is J??

Message from Broad92% Match



Thanks for planting the menu right on my plate; I am shy by nature and would NEVER go straight to the carnal act without getting to know the person first! But your nickname does kind of reveal that, I guess; I should have read between the lines!

The system says we’re 92% compatible, so I read your profile and decided to say hello…then I discovered your caprine fetish, and since it’s one of my nicknames I thought it would be funny to do the goatish thing…

I don’t mind meeting somewhere during the day, but if your SOLE/SOUL’s objective is to mate, then this is the tail of the tale!

Your phone number is safe with me; I may even use the numbers for my next lotto attempt!

So, it was fun while it lasted…meheheheheh!

H is the English translation of my Portuguese name…ManiaAmor just means (in my pov) having a mania for LOVE!

Happy grazing…meheheheheh!


Sent to Broad92% Match



Ahh … Thanks H. You are someone special. The first thing I must say and do is apologize to you. I really am sorry for going straight to sex. I am such an ass. I guess I am just a man. Being a man is not an excuse though. My parents did their best to give me good values but I do struggle with this one. It just didn’t come up in any of the lessons I guess. They did get integrity across to me.

You were really great about how you handled my ignorance. I had fun with the goat thing as well. You have my respect and I hope you never compromise your values or integrity. It’s not that my main thrust “no pun intended” is to mate. I guess it is or will be eventually but I forget that women are prepared and guarded by nature for this from men. Also… I used to be very shy and had a very difficult time connecting with women. My problem was that I was somewhat popular and good looking as a young man and expect women to jump out of cars and chase me down and treat me like some minor rock star still. Yea it happened. I got too much attention when I had hair still and “before the accident”:) Pathetic really.

So as I aged i forced myself to become more aggressive. It worked to a point. I learned to go straight to the point. Women in their 30’s are much more open and tolerant when they are at their sexual peak. I must reign in my goats now. meh eh eh:) It is not easy. My sex drive seems just as strong as it was 30 years ago. I think that it’s the same for a woman but it’s not. You want a relationship first. I can’t say I blame you at all. A man will have sex and if there is no strong intent or desire to come back for more he will move on to another woman. I think it’s in our nature to spread our seed so to speak. Like fertile farmers:) I’ve only been with 5 women sexually in my entire life. Much less than most women.

I was with a woman who I was deeply in love with for 22 years. She left a year and 4 months ago. She was always barely there. Always leaving. It wasn’t easy for her to go either. Our home turned into a kind of a war zone for amore than a year as both the inside and outside was renovated. At one point there were 3 jack hammers pounding on 3 of 4 concrete walls around us. Unbelievably loud. Like the workers were getting pleasure from tormenting us. nWe had to go out every day to get away from it. She knows I am a good guy and was good to her. We are still caring and in touch just not intimate any longer. She has a new guy.

Anyway H… I do want a solid relationship however I am a bit unrealistic and want it to come to me like it used to. I must be stronger and more patient. Part of the problem is that a man feels much different after having sex with a woman. I feel like I am accepted fully and completely. Thus I am more confident in the relationship lasting. Men also care that the relationship is strong.

I am a realist and as such I am not going to persue you any further. Nothing about you is wrong. I just wish to find someone closer in my neighbourhood. Your propensity for the “romantic” experience is very powerful and I can see myself being drawn into it. I share this romantic desire with you. But as the realities of human nature are constant, so is practicality and I am not going to allow myself to indulge in it this time.

Thank you so much for your tolerance and candid approach to me. You really are someone who is very beautiful. The good thing about leaving it this way is that we both can let go easily and we both learned something. Bless your heart H. J??

Message from Broad92% Match



Ok! It seems as though you are trapped in your teenager mind…I’m guided by my innocent inner child! I wasn’t a bad looking teenager either, but my shyness kept me grounded; I was never commanded by an alter ego.

It seems to me that most men are seeking instant sexual gratification; we are all ageing, and in old age it would be amazing to have a better half to grow old with! I’ve been working with incapacitated older people and it is SO sad to face the reality of being totally alone at that phase of life!

I don’t mind continuing with the caprine saga; I’ve had goats, you know! They are beautiful, wild animals…it was fun! Can we be pen pals? You like to write, and so do I…I’ll even allow you to blurt out some of your debauched caprine fantasies.

Meheheheheh! Can you hear me calling?


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